Saturn ST-EK0004 - Instrukcja obsługi - Strona 21

Saturn ST-EK0004 Czajnik – Instrukcja obsługi w formacie pdf, czytaj online za darmo. Mamy nadzieję, że okaże się ona pomocna w przypadku jakichkolwiek pytań związanych z użytkowaniem urządzenia.

Jeśli nadal masz wątpliwości, zadaj pytanie w komentarzach pod instrukcją.

"Ładowanie instrukcji" oznacza, że musisz poczekać na pobranie pliku, aby móc go przeczytać online. Niektóre instrukcje są bardzo obszerne, a czas ich ładowania zależy od szybkości łącza internetowego.
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Ładowanie instrukcji



When purchasing the product,

please require its checking before you;


that the goods sold to you, are functional and complete

and that the warranty coupon is filled in correctly.

This warranty coupon confirms the absence of any defects in the product you purchased

and provides for free of charge repair of the product failed through the fault of the manu-

facturer throughout the period of warranty service and free of charge repair.

Failing the presentation of this coupon, in case of its improper filling in, in the absence of

the payment document proving the purchasing fact, infringement of factory seals (if

any),and also in cases indicated in the warranty obligations, the claims are not accepted,
and no warranty service and free of charge repair is made!

The warranty coupon is valid only in the original copy with the stamp of trading organiza-

tion, signature of the seller, date of sale and signature of the buyer.

Complex home appliances should be installed by supplier’s authorized service centers,

authorized specialists. In the case of a malfunction of the home appliance because of in-

correct installation, the buyer must pay the cost of the visit (call) of the specialist, as well

as the cost of fault diagnostics if necessary.


Declarație de Conformitate

Noi, Saturn Home Appliances SRL asiguram, garantam si declaram pe propria raspundere

ca produsul achiziționat de Dvs. nu pune in pericol viata, sanatatea, securitatea muncii,

nu are impact negativ asupra mediului și corespunde standardelor inscrise in declaratiile

si certificatele de conformitate ale producatorului, respecta cerintele de protectie si sunt

in conformitate cu standardele CE si ROHS.

La achizitionarea unui produs,

Cereţi verificarea lui în prezența dumneavoastra,


ca produsul vandut este functional şi ambalat

si ca certificatul de garantie este completat corect.

Acest certificat de garantie confirma lipsa oricaror defecte in produsul achizitionat de Dvs.
şi ofera reparatia gratuita a produsului defect din vina producatorului pe toata durata

perioadei de garantie.

Repararea in garantie a produsului defect de centrele de service autorizate se face in

conditiile prezentarii produsului şi accesoriilor acestuia, a facturii şi a certificatul de

garantie in original.

Nu se accepta cereri pentru reparatia gratuita a produsulului fara prezentarea acestui

certificat, sau completarea incorecta a acestuia, lipsa sigiliilor de fabrica (in cazul in care

trebuie sa fie prezente), precum si in alte cazuri prevazute in certificatul de garantie.

Certificatul de garantie este valabil doar in original, cu stampila si semnatura vanzatorului

si a cumparatorului, si cu data de vanzare mentionat


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