Scarlett SC-BS33ED12 - Instrukcja obsługi - Strona 4

Scarlett SC-BS33ED12 Waga – Instrukcja obsługi w formacie pdf, czytaj online za darmo. Mamy nadzieję, że okaże się ona pomocna w przypadku jakichkolwiek pytań związanych z użytkowaniem urządzenia.

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Ładowanie instrukcji







Selection of the user and personal parameters


Analysis of readings after weighing.


- Improper positioning of the scale. Place the scale on a
flat, firm surface.
- You are standing on the scale with your footwear on.
Take off your footwear and step on the scale again.


Indication of the low battery charge. The batteries are
discharged, please, replace them with new ones.


Indication of the high % of body fat. Body fat percentage
is too high. Recommendations: you should keep to a
low-calorie diet, do more exercise and pay more
attention to your health.


Indication of the low % of body fat. Body fat percentage
is too low. Recommendations: you should keep to a
more nourishing diet and pay more attention to your


Indication of overload. The weight exceeds maximum
permissible value for measurement. Please, step off the
platform to avoid damage to the scale.


Wipe the scale with a soft cloth using a detergent and wipe dry.

Do not use organic solvents, aggressive chemicals or abrasives.


Observe all requirements from the CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE Section.

Make sure there are no objects on the scale during storage.

Store the scale in a cool dry place.


Battery contains harmful substances for human body. Keep the wrapping materials out of reach of children

(choking hazard). The person, who swallowed a battery, should immediately consult a doctor.

Change the batteries regularly. Change all batteries at once using the elements of the same type.

It is forbidden to recharge or restore batteries in other manner, disassemble them, or throw into fire or hot-wire.

The battery must be inserted in the correct polarity.

Discharged battery can be a reason of scale breakdown. Remove the batteries compartment in case of long out-of-

action time.

Do not throw the batteries into fire! Highly explosive!

Do not short-circuit the power clamps.

The symbol on the unit, packing materials and/or documentations means used electrical and electronic units

and battery’s should not be toss in the garbage with ordinary household garbage. These units should be pass to
special receiving point.
For additional information about actual system of the garbage collection address to the local authority.

Valid utilization will help to save valuable resources and avoid negative work on the public health and environment

which happens with incorrect using garbage.




Внимательно прочитайте данную инструкцию перед эксплуатацией прибора во избежание поломок при
использовании. Неправильное обращение может привести к поломке изделия.

Использовать только в бытовых целях. Прибор не предназначен для промышленного и торгового

Не подвергайте весы ударным нагрузкам.

Не прыгайте на весах.

Не перегружайте весы.

Запрещается пользоваться весами лицам с медицинскими имплантатами (например, со стимуляторами
ритма сердца). В противном случае могут произойти сбои в работе имплантатов.

Не использовать во время беременности.

Внимание! Не становитесь на весы, если Ваши ноги или поверхность весов мокрые - Вы можете
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