Dyson V7 Animal (SV11) - Instrukcja obsługi - Strona 11

Dyson V7 Animal (SV11) Odkurzacz – Instrukcja obsługi w formacie pdf, czytaj online za darmo. Mamy nadzieję, że okaże się ona pomocna w przypadku jakichkolwiek pytań związanych z użytkowaniem urządzenia.

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• Do not operate while checking for blockages. Doing so could result

in personal injury.

• Beware of sharp objects when checking for blockages.
• To check for blockages in the main body of the appliance, remove

the clear bin and cyclone as per the instructions in the cleaning
the clear bin section and remove the blockage. Please consult the
'Stubborn blockages' section of the illustrations for further guidance.

• If you cannot clear an obstruction you may need to remove the

brush bar. Use a coin to unlock the fastener marked with a padlock.
Remove the obstruction. Replace the brush bar and secure it by
tightening the fastener. Ensure it is fixed firmly before operating
the appliance.

• This product has carbon fibre brushes. Take care if coming into

contact with them, as they may cause minor skin irritation. Wash
your hands after handling the brushes.

• Refit all parts securely before using.
• Clearing blockages is not covered by your guarantee.

Charging and storing

• This appliance will switch ‘OFF’ if the battery temperature is below

3°C (37.4°F). This is designed to protect the motor and battery.
Do not charge the appliance and then move it to an area with a
temperature below 3°C (37.4°F) for storage purposes.

• To help prolong battery life, avoid recharging immediately after a

full discharge. Allow to cool for a few minutes.

• Avoid using the appliance with the battery flush to a surface. This

will help it run cooler and prolong battery run time and life.

Battery safety instructions

• If the battery needs replacing please contact the Dyson Helpline.
• Use only Dyson chargers for charging this Dyson appliance.
• The battery is a sealed unit and under normal circumstances

poses no safety concerns. In the unlikely event that liquid
leaks from the battery do not touch the liquid and observe the
following precautions:

– Skin contact – can cause irritation. Wash with soap and water.

– Inhalation – can cause respiratory irritation. Expose to fresh air

and seek medical advice.

– Eye contact – can cause irritation. Immediately flush eyes

thoroughly with water for at least 15 minutes. Seek medical

– Disposal – wear gloves to handle the battery and dispose of

immediately, following local ordinances or regulations.


The battery used in this device may present a risk of fire or
chemical burn if mistreated. Do not disassemble, short contacts,
heat above 60°C (140°F), or incinerate. Keep away from children.
Do not disassemble and do not dispose of in fire.

Online support

• For online help, general tips, videos and useful information

about Dyson.
UK - www.dyson.co.uk/support
ROI - www.dyson.ie/support

Disposal information

• Dyson products are made from high grade recyclable materials.

Recycle where possible.

• The battery should be removed from the product before disposal.
• Dispose of or recycle the battery in accordance with local

ordinances or regulations.

• Dispose of the exhausted filter in accordance with local ordinances

or regulations.

• This marking indicates that this product should not be disposed

with other household wastes throughout the EU. To prevent possible
harm to the environment or human health from uncontrolled waste
disposal, recycle it responsibly to promote the sustainable reuse of
material resources. To return your used device, please use the return
and collection systems or contact the retailer where the product

was purchased. They can take this product for environmentally
safe recycling.

Dyson customer care

Thank you for choosing to buy a Dyson appliance.

After registering your 2 year guarantee, your Dyson appliance
will be covered for parts and labour for 2 years from the
date of purchase, subject to the terms of the guarantee. If
you have any queries regarding your Dyson appliance, visit
www.dyson.co.uk/support (UK) or www.dyson.ie/support (ROI) for
online help, general tips and useful information about Dyson.
Alternatively, you can call the Dyson Helpline with your serial
number and details of where/when you bought the appliance.
If your Dyson appliance needs a repair, call the Dyson Helpline so
we can discuss the available options. If your Dyson appliance is
under guarantee, and the repair is covered, it will be repaired at
no cost.

Please register as a Dyson

appliance owner

The warranty for this product is 2 years from the the date of
purchase. Please register your guarantee within 30 days of your
purchase date. To help us ensure you receive prompt and efficient
service, please register immediately after purchase. Please keep the
receipt showing the date of purchase.
To help us ensure you receive prompt and efficient service, please
register as a Dyson appliance owner. There are three ways to
do this:

• Online at www.dyson.com/register (UK) or www.dyson.ie/register


• Telephone the Dyson Helpline on 0800 298 0298 (UK) or

01 475 7109 (ROI).

• Complete the enclosed form and post it to us.

By registering online or by phone you will:

• Protect your investment with a two year parts and labour guarantee
• Receive helpful tips on using your machine
• Get expert advice from the Dyson helpline
• Be the first to hear about our latest inventions.
• Registering only takes a few minutes and all you need is your

serial number.

Limited 2 year guarantee

Terms and conditions of the dyson 2 year limited guarantee

What is covered

• The repair or replacement of your Dyson appliance (at Dyson’s

discretion) if it is found to be defective due to faulty materials,
workmanship or function within 2 years of purchase or delivery
(if any part is no longer available or out of manufacture Dyson will
replace it with a functional replacement part).

• Where this appliance is sold outside of the EU, this guarantee

will only be valid if the appliance is used in the country in which it
was sold.

• Where this appliance is sold within the EU, this guarantee will only

be valid (i) if the appliance is used in the country in which it was sold
or (ii) if the appliance is used in Austria, Belgium, France, Germany,
Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Spain or the United Kingdom and the
same model as this appliance is sold at the same voltage rating in
the relevant country.

What is not covered

Dyson does not guarantee the repair or replacement of a product
where a defect is the result of:

• Accidental damage, faults caused by negligent use or care, misuse,

neglect, carelessness or operation or handling of the appliance
which is not in accordance with the Dyson Operating Manual.

• Use of the appliance for anything other than normal domestic

household purposes.

• Use of parts not assembled or installed in accordance with the

instructions of Dyson.

• Use of parts and accessories which are not

genuine Dyson components.

• Faulty installation (except where installed by Dyson).
• Repairs or alterations carried out by parties other than Dyson or its

authorised agents.

• Blockages – please refer to the Dyson Operating Manual for details

of how to look for and clear blockages.

• Normal wear and tear (e.g. fuse, brush bar etc.).
• Use of this appliance on rubble, ash, plaster.
• Reduction in battery discharge time due to battery age or use

(where applicable).
If you are in any doubt as to what is covered by your guarantee,
please contact the Dyson helpline.

Summary of cover

• The guarantee becomes effective at the date of purchase (or the

date of delivery if this is later).

• You must provide proof of (both the original and any subsequent)

delivery/purchase before any work can be carried out on your
Dyson appliance. Without this proof, any work carried out will be
chargeable. Keep your receipt or delivery note.

• All work will be carried out by Dyson or its authorised agents.
• Any parts which are replaced by Dyson will become the property

of Dyson.

• The repair or replacement of your Dyson appliance under

guarantee will not extend the period of guarantee.

• The guarantee provides benefits which are additional to and do not

affect your statutory rights as a consumer.

Important data

protection information

When registering your Dyson product:

• You will need to provide us with basic contact information to register

your product and enable us to support your guarantee.

• When you register, you will have the opportunity to choose whether

you would like to receive communications from us. If you opt-in to
communications from Dyson, we will send you details of special
offers and news of our latest innovations. We never sell your
information to third parties and only use information that you share
with us as defined by our privacy policies which are available on our
website. privacy.dyson.com


Utilisation de votre appareil Dyson

Veuillez lire attentivement les consignes de sécurité importantes
de ce manuel Dyson avant de continuer.


• Ne pas utiliser à l’extérieur ni sur des surfaces humides, ne pas

aspirer d’eau ou d’autres liquides – risque de choc électrique.

• Vérifier que l’appareil est en position verticale pendant son

utilisation et lorsqu'il est rangé. De la poussière et des débris
peuvent s’échapper de l’appareil s’il est retourné.

• Placer l’appareil hors tension pour vérifier l’absence d’obstructions.
• Destiné uniquement à l’intérieur de la maison et de la voiture.

Ne pas utiliser l’appareil lorsque la voiture est en mouvement ou
lorsque vous conduisez.

• Pour utiliser le mode Max, localisez le bouton curseur sur le dessus

de l'appareil. Faites glisser le bouton curseur en position mode Max.

• Pour désactiver le mode Max, faites glisser le bouton curseur vers le

mode aspiration puissante.

• Cette brosse contient des poils en fibre de carbone. Faire attention

si vous touchez les poils. Ils peuvent causer de légères irritations
cutanées. Se laver les mains après avoir manipulé les poils.

Diagnostics – Voyants pendant

la charge

Diagnostics – pendant l'utilisation



• Utilisez des fixations adaptées au type de mur et veillez à ce que la

station de chargement soit montée de manière sécurisée. Assurez-
vous qu’aucune canalisation (gaz, eau, air) et aucun fil ou câble
électrique n’est situé directement derrière la zone de montage.
La station de chargement doit être montée conformément aux
réglementations et codes/normes applicables (législation locale et
nationale). Dyson recommande le port de vêtements, lunettes et
équipements de protection selon le besoin.

Tapis et moquettes ou sols durs

• Avant de passer l’aspirateur sur le sol, les tapis et les moquettes,

lire les instructions de nettoyage recommandées par le fabricant.

• La brosse de l’appareil peut endommager certains types de tapis /

moquette et de sols. Certains tapis et moquettes peuvent pelucher si
la brosse rotative est utilisée pendant l’aspiration. Dans ce cas, nous
recommandons d’utiliser l’aspirateur sans la brosse motorisée et de
consulter le fabricant du revêtement de sol.

• Avant de passer l’aspirateur sur des parquets cirés, comme le bois

ou le lino, vérifier d’abord que le dessous de la brosse et les poils de
la brosse ne comportent aucun corps étranger susceptible de laisser
des marques.

Entretien de votre appareil Dyson

• N’effectuez pas de travaux d’entretien ou de réparation autres que

ceux indiqués dans ce manuel Dyson, ou que ceux conseillés par le
Service Consommateurs Dyson.

• N’utiliser que des pièces recommandées par Dyson. Dans le cas

contraire, la garantie pourrait être invalidée.

• Entreposer l’appareil à l’intérieur du logement. Ne pas l’utiliser et

ne pas le ranger dans un endroit où la température est inférieure à

Bleu allumé en continu : en cours de chargement.

Bleu clignotant - Aucun chargement - Installez de nouveau

le chargeur et utilisez une autre prise. Si le témoin clignote

toujours, contactez le Service Consommateurs Dyson.

Voyants éteints : chargement terminé.

Orange allumé en continu : aucun chargement, panne

temporaire (par exemple, trop chaud/froid).

Rouge clignotant : panne (contactez le Service

Consommateurs de Dyson).

Bleu allumé en continu : marche.

Bleu clignotant : aucune alimentation, chargez la batterie.

Orange clignotant : aucune alimentation, panne

temporaire (par exemple, trop chaud/froid).

Orange allumé en continu : panne (contactez le Service

Consommateurs Dyson).

Rouge clignotant : panne (contactez le Service

Consommateurs de Dyson).

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