Tefal TG533133 EXCELIO COMFORT TYPE - Instrukcja obsługi - Strona 13

Tefal TG533133 EXCELIO COMFORT TYPE Frytkownica powietrzna – Instrukcja obsługi w formacie pdf, czytaj online za darmo. Mamy nadzieję, że okaże się ona pomocna w przypadku jakichkolwiek pytań związanych z użytkowaniem urządzenia.

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Thank you for buying this Tefal appliance,

which is intended for domestic use only.

Any commercial use, inappropriate use or failure to comply with the instructions, the manufacturer
accepts no responsibility and the guarantee will not apply.
Read the instructions in this leaflet carefully and keep them safe.

For your safety, this product conforms to all applicable standards and regulations (Low Voltage
Directive, Electromagnetic Compatibility, Food Compliant Materials, Environment…).

Tefal SA has an ongoing policy of research and development and may modify its products without prior notice.

For a child, even a slight burn may sometimes be serious. As they grow up, teach your children to be
careful around hot appliances in the kitchen.

If you do use your appliance in company of children or certain severely disabled persons:
- always use it under adult supervision.
- untouch the hot surfaces of the appliance.
- never plug the appliance when not in use.
If an accident occurs,

rinse the burn immediately with cold water and call a doctor if necessary.

To avoid overheating of the appliance, we recommend you do not place it in a corner or against
a wall. Always ensure it is placed on a flat, stable, heat-resistant surface away from water
splashes. Never place the appliance directly onto a fragile surface (glass table, cloth, varnished

Do not use it on a flexible type of support, such as a rubberised protective cloth.

Unwind the cord completely.

The supply cord should be regularly examined for signs of damage and the appliance should not
be used if the cord is damaged.
If the power cord supply is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer or its service agent
or a similarly qualified person in order to avoid a hazard.

Check that your electric installation is compatible with the power and the voltage indicated under
the appliance.
Connect the appliance to a socket with an earth connection.
Supply the appliance through a residual current device (RCD) having a tripping current not
exceeding 30mA.
If an extension cord is used:
- it must be with an incorporated earth connection;
- take every precaution to ensure that people cannot become caught up or trip over the lead.

Never leave the appliance plugged in when not in use. Never use the appliance when it is empty.

On first use, the appliance may smell slightly and possibly give off smoke for the first few minutes
-this is normal.

Never leave the appliance unattended when not in use.
Don’t touch metallic parts while the appliance is on as they are very hot.
Don’t move your appliance when cooking.

y use the plates provided with the appliance or acquired at an authorized service dealer.

Do not use a metal scourer or scouring powder.

Never immerse the appliance in water with its

heating element and its cord.

If the heating element is really dirty, rub with a dry cloth when cold.

The body of the appliance is not dishwasher safe.

Environment protection first!

Your appliance contains valuable materials which can be recovered or recycled.
Leave it at a local civic waste collection point.

For U. K. users only:

if you have any product problems or queries, please contact our Customer Relations Team on:

0845 602 1454 . UK


(01) 4751947 . Ireland

or consult our website -


- This product has been designed for domestic use only -

Any commercial use, inappropriate use or failure to comply

with the instructions, the manufacturer accepts no responsibility and the guarantee will not apply


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