Lumme LU-1331 Blue - Instrukcja obsługi - Strona 5

Lumme LU-1331 Blue Waga – Instrukcja obsługi w formacie pdf, czytaj online za darmo. Mamy nadzieję, że okaże się ona pomocna w przypadku jakichkolwiek pytań związanych z użytkowaniem urządzenia.

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c/o Commonwealth Trust Limited, P.O. Box 3321, Road Town, Tortola, United Kingdom, Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии

Производственный филиал:

Cosmos Far View International Limited
Room 701, 16 apt, Lane 165, Rainbow North Street, Ningbo, China

Космос Фар Вью Интернешнл Лимитед
Оф. 701, 16 апарт., лейн 165, Рэйнбоу Норс Стрит, Нинбо, Китай

Сделано в Китае

Организация, уполномоченная принимать претензии на тер. РФ:

ООО «Валерия», 188671, РФ, Ленинградская область, Всеволожский район, Лепсари, здание 4ТЛ №23, тел/факс 8(812) 325-2334


ООО «Комета», Россия, 194156, г. Санкт-Петербург, Большой Сампсониевский пр., д. 93, лит. А, пом. 7-Н



This electronic bathroom scales are for home use only, do not use for industrial and commercial purposes.

Do not use abrasive cleaners to clean it.

Do not put anything on bathroom scales when not in use.

Do not disassemble the scales; take it to a service center for examination, repair or mechanical adjustment.

Keep the scales in a dry place.

Do not overload the scales.

Do not shock the scales with sudden loading or striking.

If you have a metal implant an accurate reading will not be obtained.


Please unpack your appliance. Remove all packing materials

Wipe the surface with a damp cloth and detergent



If you do not want to set a personal number and wish to use the scales in the normal mode simply step onto the scales.

Turn on the scales by pressing the set button, the user number will flash on the display screen. Choose a number between

Р00 to Р11

and set an individual profile.

Press key to increase or to decrease the number. Once the number has been chosen press button SET


If the set button is not pressed within 3 seconds the system will automatically use the number currently flashing on screen.

Once the identification number has been chosen, set the gender sign will flash. Choose the gender buy pressing the key then press the set button to confirm. If the set button is
not pressed within 20 seconds this function will turn off.
Age will flash: to increase or decrease the age use the or keys, once done press the SET button.
If the set button is not pressed within 20 seconds this function will turn off.
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