Gorenje R401W - Instrukcja obsługi - Strona 7

Gorenje R401W Robot kuchenny – Instrukcja obsługi w formacie pdf, czytaj online za darmo. Mamy nadzieję, że okaże się ona pomocna w przypadku jakichkolwiek pytań związanych z użytkowaniem urządzenia.

Jeśli nadal masz wątpliwości, zadaj pytanie w komentarzach pod instrukcją.

"Ładowanie instrukcji" oznacza, że musisz poczekać na pobranie pliku, aby móc go przeczytać online. Niektóre instrukcje są bardzo obszerne, a czas ich ładowania zależy od szybkości łącza internetowego.
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Ładowanie instrukcji


Намотајте го кабелот и прицврстете го на
неговото место.

Овој апарат е означен според европскиот

пропис 2012/19/ЕU за електро и електронски

апарати (waste electrical and electronic equipment

- WEEE).

Прописот ја дава рамката за враќање и

искористување на старите апарати, важечко

ширум Европа.


Не го фрлајте на апаратот во нормален
домашен отпад,туку во официјална колекција
наменета за рециклирање. Со ова, вие помагате
да се зачува животната средина.


Ако ви требаат информации, или ако имате
проблем, Ве молиме контактирајте го Gorenje
центарот за грижа на корисници во вашата земја
(види телефонски број во меѓународната
гаранција). Ако вашата земја нема таков центар,
контактирајте го вашиот локален дилер или
Gorenje, Gorenje делот за мали апарати за

Не е за комерцијална употреба!




Го задржуваме правото на промени!



This appliance is designed only for

domestic use or similar non-

industrial applications.

Non-industrial applications include e.g.

use in employee kitchens in shops,

offices, agricultural and other

commercial businesses, as well as use

by guests in boarding houses, small

hotels and similar dwellings.

Use the appliance for processing the

usual household quantities of food.

Please keep the instruction manual in a

safe place and if the appliance changes

hands, pass them on to a new owner.


Risk of injury from sharp blade!

The blade is very sharp.

Keep hands clear of the blade.

After switching off, the drive continues

for a short time. Wait for the blade to

come to a standstill!

After work, set cutting width to 0.

This appliance must be used with the

sliding feed table and the piece holder

in position unless this is not possible

due to the size or shape of the food.

The appliance may be connected and

operated only in accordance with the

specifications on the rating plate.

Do not use the damaged appliance or the

damaged power lead.

Only our customer service may repair

the appliance, e.g. by replacing a

damaged power cord, in order to avoid


Never connect this appliance to an

external timer switch or remote control

system in order to avoid a hazardous


After using the appliance, if it is left

unattended or if the appliance is faulty,

always disconnect the power lead from

the mains socket.

Never leave the appliance unattended

while it is switched on!

Do not pull the power lead over sharp

edges. To prevent injury, any repairs

such as replacing a damaged power lead,

should only be carried out by customer


Worn-out appliances must be made

unsuitable for further use.

This appliance is not intended for use by

persons (including children) with reduced

physical, sensory or mental capabilities,

or lack of experience and knowledge,

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