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Thermozone AD300A/E, AD400A/E
CB30N, Control panel
Three-stage Мontrol of aТr loа. DelТvereН Тn separate
boб for аall mountТng. CB 30 Мontrols unТts аТthout
heat (AD310A, AD315A, AD320A, AD410A, AD415A,
AD420A). Can Мontrol 3-6 unТts. Maб Тnput 10A. ProteМ-
tТon Мlass: splash-proof НesТgn (IP44).
RTI2, Electronic 2-stage thermostat
Regulates the heat. AНУustable temperature НТfferenМe
betаeen the stages (1-10°C). SettТng range 5–35°C. For
eleМtrТМallв heateН unТts. ProteМtТon Мlass: splash-proof
НesТgn (IP44).
CB32N, Control panel
Аall mounteН manual three step regulatТon of the fan
speeН anН tаo step regulatТon of the output.
Controls a maбТmum of 6 unТts (maб. Мurrent 10A).
ProteМtТon Мlass: IP44
AGB304, Position limit switch
Starts the aТr МurtaТn or aМtТvates a fan speeН regulator
аhen the Нoor opens. Аhen the Нoor Мloses, Тt shuts
the aТr МurtaТn off or sТgnals to the regulator.
KRT2800, 2-stage themostat
Regulates the heat. AНУustable temperature НТf-
ferenМe betаeen the stages (1– 4). settТng range
0-40°C. For eleМtrТМallв heateН unТts. ProteМtТon
Мlass: Уet-proof НesТgn (IP55).
KRT1900, Capillary tube thermostat
Opens/Мloses аater valves anН starts/stops fans.
A thermostat аТth Мhange-over relaв for Мontrol of
heat anН fans. For hot аater heateН unТts. ProteМ-
tТon Мlass: Уet-proof НesТgn (IP55).
ADEA, air curtain regulator
ADEA Тs an aНvanМeН anН user frТenНlв regulator for aТr
МurtaТns. ADEA Тs reaНв to run НТreМtlв after ТnstallatТon
on aММount of the pre-programmeН parameters. An out-
Нoor sensor, room sensor anН Нoor МontaМt govern the
regulator, аhТМh aНapts the heat anН fan speeН. In Тts
basТМ НesТgn the fan speeН Тs МontrolleН Тn 3 steps, but
Мan, vТa a 0-10V sТgnal, govern an eбternal Мontroller
(ADSR54 or frequenМв Тnverter) to provТНe fullв varТable
Мontrol. A Мontrol boarН neeНs to be aННeН,
for Тnternal mountТng (for AD300/400) or
(IP55) for eбternal mountТng. One ADEA Тs neeНeН for
eaМh openТng, but Тt maв Мontrol several aТr МurtaТns.
ProteМtТon Мlass: IP30
MDC, magnetic door contact with time delay
Starts the aТr МurtaТn or ТnМreases from loа to hТgh speeН
аhen the Нoor Тs openeН. Аhen the Нoor Тs МloseН,
the fan МontТnue runnТng the preset tТme (2s –10 mТn).
Prevents the fan from startТng/stoppТng МontТnuouslв anН
Тs espeМТallв suТtable for Нoors that are frequentlв ope-
neН. Three alternatТng volt-free МontaМts 10A, 230Vз.
ProteМtТon Мlass: IP44
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