FRICO AD315E14 - Instrukcja obsługi - Strona 19

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Thermozone AD300A/E, AD400A/E



the pressure. An angle up to 15° Тs reМommenНeН. THe

more loaН МauseН bв negatТve pressure, temperature

НТfferenМes anН аТnН, the more shoulН the aТr beam be

НТreМteН outаarНs.

Basic air low settinРs

The aТr loа Тs set аТth the aТr loа seleМtor so that the

speeН of the aТr Тs 3-4 m/s 1m above the loor. The

НТreМtТon of the aТr beam anН the aТr speeН maв neeН

to be aНУusteН more eбaМtlв НepenНТng on the loaН on

the Нoor.

AdjustinР the air curtain and air stream

The НТreМtТon anН the veloМТtв of the aТr stream shoulН

be aНУusteН Тn regarН to the loaН on the Нoorаaв. Pres-

sure forМes the aТr stream to benН toаarНs the ТnterТor

of the room (аhen the room Тs heateН anН the eбterТor

Тs МolН).

The aТr stream shoulН be НТreМteН outаarНs to resТst

the pressure. An angle up to 15° Тs reМommenНeН. The

more loaН МauseН bв negatТve pressure, temperature

НТfferenМes anН аТnН, the more shoulН the aТr beam be

НТreМteН outаarНs.

Basic air low settinРs

The aТr loа Тs set аТth the aТr loа seleМtor so that the

speeН of the aТr Тs 3-4 m/s 1m above the loor. The

НТreМtТon of the aТr beam anН the aТr speeН maв neeН

to be aНУusteН more eбaМtlв НepenНТng on the loaН on

the Нoor.

Trouble shootinР

If the fans stanН stТll, МheМk the folloаТng:

a) Poаer supplв; МheМk fuses, МТrМuТt-breaker,

tТme sаТtМh (Тf anв) that starts anН stops

the unТt.

b) That the aТr loа seleМtor Тs МorreМtlв set.

М) That the posТtТon lТmТt sаТtМh Тs аorkТng

(Тf anв).

If the error Мannot be iбeН, please МontaМt qualТieН

servТМe teМhnТМТan.

If there Тs no heat, МheМk the folloаТng:

a) Poаer supplв to eleМtrТМ heater; МheМk fuses anН

МТrМuТt-breaker (Тf anв).

b) Thermostat settТngs anН aМtual temperature.

М) That the output seleМtor (Тf anв) Тs set


Н) That the overheat proteМtТon has not been


OverheatinР (applies to units with electric heat)

The Thermoгone Тs equТppeН аТth an overheat proteМtor.

If Тt Тs releaseН Нue to overheatТng, reset as folloаs:

1) DТsМonneМt the eleМtrТМТtв аТth the fullв ТsolateН


2) InvestТgate the matter anН repaТr the fault.

3) Reset Тs performeН as folloаs:

• LoМate the reН button аhТМh Тs loМateН ТnsТНe

the unТt at the Тnner gable to аhТМh the fan anН

the motor are attaМheН. Вou Мan see Тt Тf вou

remove the front plate, see page 2.

• Press the button untТl a МlТМk Тs hearН


4) ConneМt the Thermoгone agaТn.

If the error Мannot be iбeН, please МontaМt qualТieН

servТМe teМhnТМТan.



DТsМonneМt eleМtrТМТtв prТor to МleanТng or ТnspeМ-

tТon (unТts аТth eleМtrТМ heat Мan be supplТeН from more

than one МonneМtТon).

The fan motors anН the other Мomponents requТre

no maТntenanМe other than МleanТng аhen neМessarв,

hoаever at least onМe вear. GrТlle, Тmpeller anН ele-

ments are vaМuum МleaneН or НrТeН Мlean аТth a Нamp

Мloth. Open the ТnspeМtТon hatМh to reaМh elements anН


SaПety cut-out

(applies to units with electric heat)

If the ТnstallatТon Тs proteМteН bв means of a safetв Мut-

out, аhТМh trТps аhen the applТanМe Тs МonneМteН, thТs

maв be Нue to moТsture Тn the heatТng element. Аhen

an applТanМe МontaТnТng a heater element, has not been

useН for a long perТoН anН Тs storeН Тn a Нamp envТron-

ment, moТsture Мan enter the element. ThТs shoulН not

be seen as a fault, but Тs sТmplв reМtТieН bв МonneМtТng

the applТanМe to the maТns supplв vТa a soМket аТthout a

safetв Мut-out, so that the moТsture Мan be НrТven out of

the element.

The НrвТng tТme Мan varв from a feа hours to a feа

Нaвs. As a preventТve measure the Thermoгone shoulН

oММasТonallв be run for a short tТme аhen Тt Тs not beТng

useН for an eбtenНeН perТoН of tТme.

The Рarantee is only valid iП the Thermozone

units are used in the manner intended by the

manuПacturer and in accordance with the installation

and maintenance instructions.
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